Pinpointing Exactly When The Acolyte Takes Place On The Star Wars Timeline

There will be spoilers for the first and second episodes of "Star Wars: The Acolyte," so beware.

"Star Wars: The Acolyte" is the latest Disney+ show that's set in a brand new space in the timeline of a galaxy far, far away. With no significant details to latch on to from the trailer, it's been a little difficult pinpointing exactly where the show is set. Showrunners and Lucasfilm have said in the press that it takes place at the end of the High Republic era, which the books have established take place starting about 200 years prior to the events of "The Phantom Menace."

With Vernestra Rwoh, a character appearing in both the High Republic books and "The Acolyte," some thought it would be useful to peg the timing of the show to her age, assuming that the species of Vernestra, which is Mirialan, ages at about the same rate as humans. For the longest time, it was thought these stories take place about 20 or 30 years after the events of "The High Republic" series.

But we were wrong.

The very beginning of the show tells us when it's set, and it's in quite an unexpected place.

A century removed from Revenge of the Sith

At the very beginning of the show, in a less pronounced substitute for an opening crawl, we're told that "Star Wars: The Acolyte" takes place 100 years before the rise of the Empire, which is something that takes place during the events of "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith." So when exactly does this show take place, and where does it relate to the rest of the timeline and what characters do we know that could possibly make appearances?

Well, we know that "The Phantom Menace" takes place 13 years or so before "Revenge of the Sith," which means that "The Acolyte" takes place about 87 years before anything else we've seen in live action "Star Wars." But that also drastically changes our understanding of Mirialans, who were thought to have human-like life-spans. If "The High Republic" is set 200 years before "The Phantom Menace" that means that we're about 113 years after the beginning of "The High Republic" and its first phase. Based on that, "The Acolyte" takes place roughly 119 years before the Battle of Yavin, which seems to be the major "Star Wars" event that time is tracked from.

With 113 years of time passed since the last bit of major storytelling and 87 years of runway in the future, "The Acolyte" provides a clear area for storytelling where the narrative window is so wide open, we have very little idea what can happen.

Who else could we see?

With a mere 119 years between this moment of "The Acolyte" and the destruction of the First Death Star, there are many long-lived characters that could potentially make appearances on the show. As far as Jedi still serving on the Jedi Council, we know Yoda, Yaddle, Oppo Rancisis, and Yarael Poof are present on the council prior to this and all the way to the destruction of the Jedi. 

Outside of Jedi, Han Solo's buddy Chewbacca is another character who could pop up, as he would be about 80 years old, though probably still very young for a Wookiee. Speaking of Solo, the gangster Jabba the Hutt would be about 481 years old at this time, which is plenty for him to already be operating his criminal empire. In fact, Qimir (Manny Jacinto) even makes a passing reference to the Hutts in the second episode. 

On the dark side, the Ninth Sister of the Inquisitorius is of the long-lived species of Dowutins, which can live up to 400 years. We have no indication of her age, but we do know she was old enough to have been trained as a Jedi, making it possible for her to make an appearance here.

Finally, there are characters from "The High Republic" that could still show up. Azlin Rell, a character who has extended his life through the dark side is one possibility. The Wookiee Jedi Burryaga is another, that is if he survives the Jedi conflict with the Nihil.

There are many toys that Leslye Headland has to play with for "The Acolyte," so it will be interesting to see what she brings from the canon and what she invents from whole cloth. In any case, it's just one more compelling mystery she's crafted.

The first two episodes of "Star Wars: The Acolyte" are available now on Disney+, and new episodes will premiere on Tuesday nights at 9:00pm ET.